We would like to introduce you to the Epic Korean series, which has been produced for the past three years, following the reputation of the first Korean textbook Dynamic Korean series in the United States.

The Epic Korean series is a 21st century Korean textbook developed for middle and high school Korean language teachers and learners based on the latest foreign language and Korean teaching methods.

It is composed of levels from 1 to 4, and covers a variety of topics from topics related to daily communication to regional and social issues. In addition, based on the standard education curriculum for each step that must be dealt with in middle and high schools, we have selected and composed topics of interest and interest to students.
It provides self-assessment opportunities for students to learn on their own and check their learning achievements. Workbooks, audio, and advanced e-books are also provided. It also comes with a teacher’s guide with a variety of learning and assessment activities, assessment tables, and textbook answers that teachers can use in class.

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